Monday, February 27, 2017

Trump's address to the joint session of Congress... The Drinking Game!

This link,

will take you to the text of a radio address, Hitler's very first as the Chancellor of Germany. The game is simple, but you can play it two different ways:

Hardcore mode: drink a shot every time there is a parallel between Hitler's speech and Trump's tomorrow.

Harder than Hardcore mode: Same rules, but prior to Trump's speech, replace every instance of "Marxism/Communism" with "Islam/radical Islam" in Hitler's speech.

I predict your livers will HATE you come Wednesday.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Swedish Immigration

DJT: "The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"
By the way, thanks, Wayne. Garth write that for you?

Catarina Axelsson (spokesperson for the Swedish foreign ministry): the government is not aware of any "terror-linked major incidents."

Can DJT even find Sweden on a map?  If he doesn't have a hotel there, does it even exist?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Well, that was something, wasn't it?

Ok, a few points I'd like to mention:

DJT: "So I want to thank Paul Singer for being here and for coming up to the office. He was a very strong opponent, and now he’s a very strong ally."

Verdict: True. Per CNBC's reporting: "The opportunity to implement economic policy with Trump's White House and a Republican-controlled Congress appealed to Singer, sources said."

DJT: "But a new Rasmussen poll just came out just a very short while ago, and it has our approval rating at 55 percent and going up."

Verdict: True... out of context. His total approval has been hovering around this mark since he took office, and today's poll is actually 1% LOWER than Jan 20th.

 DJT: "This administration is running like a fine- tuned machine, despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved."

Verdict: Abstain. I am not touching that one with a ten foot pole.

DJT: "I have heard 80 percent, I find that hard to believe, that is just a number I heard, that they are overturned 80 percent of the time. I think that circuit is — that circuit is in chaos and that circuit is frankly in turmoil."

Verdict: False. Way, Way False. The figure that he is giving you is the Supreme Court has overturned 80% of the 9th Circuit court decisions... that they have deigned to review. Between 1999-2008, SCOTUS has reviewed 175 of the 9th Circuit's cases and  reversed or vacated 140 of them, out of a grand total of 114,199 cases heard by the 9th Circuit! SCOTUS, in mostly hearing cases that have a chance of being overturned anyway, regularly overturns 68% of the cases it reviews annually, but in actuality overturned only 0.0012% of the 9th Circuit's total cases.

 DJT: "Fiat Chrysler announced it will invest $1 billion in Ohio and Michigan, creating 2,000 new American jobs."

Verdict: False. They just announced 3200 indefinite layoffs in Ohio.

 DJT: "And I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in Russia. I don’t have any deals in Russia."

Verdict: Abstain. Can't prove it one way or the other without tax returns, can we? 

DJT, regarding Mike Flynn contacting the Russian Ambassador: "No, I didn’t direct him, but I would have directed him if he didn’t do it."

Verdict: What in the seven hells is that supposed to even mean???

DJT: "I didn’t do anything for Russia. I’ve done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium."

Verdict: As False as False gets. Russia now wholly owns a company called Uranium One, which does have the rights of extraction for about 20% of the uranium mines in the U.S. However, the approval to buy Uranium One outright came from both The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The State Department is only one of nine departments that make up CFIUS; decisions rarely make it to the Secretary level and if they do, the final vote rests with the POTUS. And it's a moot point anyway; per the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ [the Russian firm] holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported." No uranium can be shipped out of the country by them, to Russia or anywhere else!!!

 Done for now. Who else needs a shower after that?

Forget Russia for a minute.

DJT has been trying to get his name trademarked for construction in China for 10 years, with no success... until now. The timing would seem to be more than coincidental, no? So, he received a gift of something valuable from a foreign power in exchange for... what, exactly? Yes, I know the sons are running the company but he hasn't divested himself; any money-making deals put cash in his pocket, and this just gave him the conduit he's been wanting for a decade. Conflict of Interest? Emolument? Hmm...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thought for this evening

So, Chuck Grassley wants the DOJ to pony up all the documents re: Mike Flynn & Russia. Is this because (1) the GOP is getting tired of Trump's shenanigans and they are going to investigate this for real or (2) they are trying to paint a scapegoat target on Flynn's back and distract attention from the higher ups. Just wondering...