Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Shh... Come here. It's going to be ok.

Ok. I cleared everyone else out; it's just you and me here, and we need to talk. Now I know everything that's happened with the Mueller report and what Barr did to it looks bad. I get it! The right wing is doing victory laps and dancing jigs, looking for their pound of flesh from everyone who thinks did them wrong, and you're a little bummed.

Snap out of it!

There was no way that this was going to end with Mueller taking his report to Capitol Hill, and the House and Senate immediately lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks and marching to 1600 Pennsylvania; I hope you knew that. This was going to end exactly the way it ended: Mueller delivering his report, whoever was AG at the time declaring "Nothing to see here!", followed up by subpeonas and legal battles we haven't even begun to see yet.

It's ok. Really.

Some bad people have gone to jail, or are going soon. The Trump Foundation (aka The Family ATM) has been shuttered. This administration's days of ignoring or simply being rubber-stamped by 100% of Congress are over. And people are forgetting one important thing: Everyone is talking about the Mueller report, and no one has seen it yet; they've seen AG Barr's Cliff Notes version of it.

Imagine this scenario: You're taking a history of film class and you find out right before class that there will be a quiz on The Godfather which, inexplicably, you have never seen. (Just go with me here.) You immediately go to your phone and read the plot summary under the Wikipedia entry for The Godfather, to get the basic plot line down. Now, you may glean just enough to pass your quiz, you may not. One thing is for sure, you're missing a hell of a lot of details that Francis Ford Coppolla probably felt were important. Further complicating things is that the Wikipedia entry could have been written by somebody that loved the movie or somebody that hated the movie; with only a few minutes before class, you didn't have a lot of time or choice in the matter.

That's where we're at now. We haven't seen the Mueller report. We've seen the Wikipedia entry about the Mueller report, written by somebody who 1) wrote it in a very short amount time and 2) wasn't a fan. Until we get the chance to pop some popcorn and go over the whole thing two or three times and then break off into discussion groups about which Trump kid is Fredo, we haven't gotten the whole experience Francis Ford Mueller wants us to have.

The wheels turn slowly, but we've made it this long. Hang in there.