Monday, March 6, 2017

Best sleight of hand since Houdini

If I were to ask you, politically speaking, what was the first thing to come off the top of your head right now, what would you say? I'm assuming that the words "Obama", "wiretapping", and "FBI" would figure prominently. Two words that will probably not show up: "Jeff Sessions". And that, gentle readers, is exactly what DJT wants. Sessions is guilty, pure and simple. It doesn't matter what he spoke to the Russian ambassador about; that's not the issue. What matters is that he did it and lied under oath about it. DJT is mad as hell now, because:
1) he was on such a high after his speech to congress, and this really pissed in his cornflakes. 
2) he basically ordered Sessions not to recuse himself and he did it anyway, practically admitting where there is smoke, there is fire. 
3) it's another nail for the Russian election tampering coffin. 

So, panic sets in. DJT pulls out the distraction playbook, publishes a 14 year old picture of Chuck Schumer eating a very classified, top-secret Krispy Kreme doughnut with Vladimir Putin. "See, you have more contact with the Russians than I do! #innocent". NO ONE buys it. Now he's even more panicked and downright PISSED; "how dare they not accept my patented bullshit at face value? I'm going to Mar-a-lago; later, losers!" And off he goes...

DJT decides he needs more; something more bigly, if you will. Something that the press can't help but run with. "I was wiretapped, and Obama ordered it! Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!" The press collectively has a WTF moment, and immediately tries to get details/verify/confirm/refute (as is their job with an accusation so unprecedentedly outrageous as this, honestly), and Jeff Sessions is back burnered; literally, yesterday's news. 

Do not be taken in. 

Sessions did not disappear; DJT popped a wiretap firework out of the end of his magic wand, and when you jumped in your seat and focused on that for a second, he slipped Sessions into his pocket when you weren't looking. Don't be fooled. The there is still there, no matter what Sean Spicer says. Jeff Sessions broke the law, under oath and on camera, while being interviewed to become the top law enforcement official in the United States.

Don't let him get away with it. 

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